for the interior, i plan to have a plastic strip that stretches across the reception desk with the letters cut out of it. then, the icon would be a painted or large transfer on the wall. also, there will be picture frames hanging through out the space with black and white photographs of people exercising their right to protest.
as for the exterior. the letters up top will more than likely be metal 3D letters. Then main signage would be rapping around the corner of the walls to the right of the building. it would be a hand-painted mural showing silouettes of figures protesting. particularly people with their fists in the air; and in the forward ground there will be a big arm grasping the megaphone. i did a rough sketch of what it would look like.
aside from that, i plan to put the logo real small on the door, the address probably on the corner of the building or on the front glass doors as well, and then the store hours would be on the front glass doors. they would be stuck on with vinyl stickers.