still have ALOT of cleaning up and editing to do. but this is the direction i am going in. i left my thumbdrive in my other bag so i had to do this all from scratch (logo / photos). anyways, i want to have the lightrig image placed in the middle of the flap and bleeding into both pages. the front flap will remain blank with the top corner cut off kind of like the way i did with my business cards. the corner will be revealing the green texture of the lightrig once i get this thing made.
feedback please???
The sleek blackness suits your company so well. It's like cutting edge meets style. Are you gonna mock this up 3-D? We are about to start our DVD package for Jeff's class. It's going to be interesting to say the least.
ya man, i've had to remake it several times. packaging craftsmanship is definately not one of my strong points. it is insanely tedious to me. but im workin on it.....
you guys are making a dvd package for jeffs class? what class are you taking?
nice work man... I really love your color palette and the type looks great.
It's Intro to Type. We have to make a 3-disc case that folds out for a total of 8 panels. In a way, I'm looking forward to it, but I know it's gonna take forever.
man, why couldn't we have done anything cool in my type class.........?
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