for lizzy i am wanting to do something experimenting with birds on telephone poles and comparing it to musical notes on a music sheet. not sure on a title for that yet though; but i just thought of her saying she wants to put off more time to write. so i think of the birds chilling on a telephone poll relaxing and then showing music notes in the lines would kind of represent finding ideas in new unexpected places. i havent quite figured out a good way to visually pull this off but im working on it and i've went about shooting photographs of phone poles trying to get some of my own visual stimuli. at first i was wanting to do something with photographs placed underneath line drawings but then i realized we weren't creating a cover for the album "drawing lines".
as for Chuck, i plan to use something with a compass i am thinking. I want to title it "viaje" which means "voyage" or "travelling" in Spanish. since that is what is currently taking place in his life right now i figured it would be a relevant route to take. i havent gotten to far with chucks part though. another idea for imagery is using bold typefaces, and having arial views of landscapes. as in google map satellite type of views. every time i go on google maps to look up where somewhere is i start getting carried away looking at the terrain of other countries wishing i could be there. but what is funny about looking at a city scape from a satellite view is it is hard to identify specific buildings. basically i was thinking about just writing chucks name in bold letters, and in "CHUCK" the fill would be an arial view of a rural area and "LOEB" could be a view of a city scape. maybe that could represent travelling all over the place in a way. kind of a simple solution i guess