i believe im gonna go with the simple white one on the top, i feel the subject matter of the image has enough "shock value" to inquire someone to ask what its about. i prefer to let the image speak for itself and then the name small and suttle on the back.
I love the name on the back! Personally don't like to wear a big name at the front ><
yeah, i feel the same way, i like when the imagery can spark a curiosity for the viewer to want to find out what its about
think i should throw a brief case in there???
For some reason -- I don't know why -- the stool threw me off. Then I realized and it was perfect. I think maybe because it's a solid unbroken shape while the Enron fool has the slightest of detail. You've probably already printed this but, if not, consider adding some texture to the stool, maybe just to the circle that you sit on so that it looks less like a sun with rays or a comet. I dunno, maybe I'm just retarded.
i fucked up the print so im about to redo it, i could add some texture into there, but im not sure if its important enough really. i was gonna put some brushes over the character but i decided to go with a solid fill and have some grungy urbaness out to the side
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