fun times. unfortunately i was too drunk to hold the camera still long enough to snap a shot at the show. but im sure they probably put pics up on the site by now:

in the pics above there are a couple of shots from the show. one is of my homey dancing, another is of my homey ALIen, he is seriously amazing on the drums. check him out here: then the other shots were during our ride home. we stopped at a rest stop somewhere in bumfuck kentucky on the way back and we have never seen so many freaking birds in our lives, we were pretty drawn to go take pictures while all the local rednecks were lookin at us like we were stupid.....

so some local heads i met up there were laughing at me because they said people from out of town always pronounce it "the ark" (ark being a large boat). rather than "the arch". haha, unfortunately i was one of those dumb tourists.....

"swimming above water" - this was a BITCH to paint, long story.....